Wednesday, April 25, 2012

#4 Influencer(s) - My Meme and Paw-paw

Excuse the bald headed guy thats my uncle... Meme and Paw paw is to the right (I think thats my right)
My Meme and Paw-paw are my mothers parents. They raised 3 children and have been married for 60 years. It amazes me how they have stayed together that long! My Paw-paw is a preacher and my Meme stands beside him every step of the way. My meme is a very artsy/craftsy type person. Thats where I get that from. And she loves flowers! One day I am going to be a good flowerer just like her!!! I love them and they love me!!!

#3 Influencer- My boyfriend Nicholas O'Neil Sutton

Nick Sutton... I love him to death! He has taught me to over look of what people think of me. Who cares? ... And he has taught me to try hard, and that graduation is closer than it appears, that I better be ready for it. And one of his tasks this summer is going to teach me how to cook, God bless his heart! Hahah... He is one person that I cannot live without. Life would be miserable without him. He has got me talkin' like old people... We say "Okie-Dokie". I know its kinda cheesy. But, its our kinda cheesey! And we ALLLLLLLWAYS pinky promise! Thats our thang! And reminds me very often that I can't drive, but he knows I can. And whether he likes it or not I'm drivin' his truck!!! I love you, Nick! He's my better half!

#2 Influencer - My Mother Sharron Godbold

My Mother and I have been through alot! She is my foundation, the one I go to with my problems, and the one tell everything to. Shes like my best friend! My Mother, is one of the strongest women I know of... She has taught me and my brother respect a bunch of what kids are lacking these days... She loves me no matter what. Everyone says I look just like her. I reckon I do.. I just don't see it that much. Probably because I live with her. I'm really close to my mother unlike some girls... We've all each other has had. And I know she cares for me and wants the best for me! And tells me everyday to make something of myself and not to let it all go to waste. And when I start making some money, me and her are going to a Bed -n- Breakfast... She just doesn't know that yet. Hahaha... I love you, Mama!

Monday, April 16, 2012

#1 Influencer- My Daddy!

Daniel Willie Godbold; my father! He has had an awesome influence on my life... He's taught me to stand strong in what I beleive in, never lose hope, find God in everything I do! My father was diagnosed with cancer in the month of May 2009. I was 14 when my farther passed away because of the cancer taking over his body. Daddy has made me strong and made me a fighter, and to see things in different ways... And to NOT ever give up... Even though everything is telling me to just quit! Yes, my daddy did die... But, he won... Because, he is with The Lord! I know that for sure! There is NOT a SINGLE day that doesnt go by that I dont think of you! Oh yes Daddy, I have all your Auburn jackets, and one has your nacho cheese stain on the front of it! hahaha... I'm not going to take that off! I love you, Daddy! I miss you very much!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I would like to start off with "My name is"... But, everyone starts off with that. So, I'm Tyler Nicole Godbold! I really dont know how to do this whole blogging thing, so just bare with me. Unless, it's like Facebook, if its like that, I will do great! I'm just a simple girl... I guess. I like old timey things, I love antique shopping, and do arts and crafts! I'm in LOVE with glow in the dark mason jars!!! I looooove flowers, horses, and the country! George Strait is my future husband, it was Jason Aldean... But, I changed my mind, I really dont know why I changed my mind... My two favorite states are Texas and Tennesse!!! I like to go fishin'. I think thats enough about me... And I chose my topic because, mainly Jacob Bullock told me to and I have 13 people to write about who influence my life!